
Anxious to start

This is the post excerpt.

Hello! My name is Kelly and I am 25 years old. I lam a transplant to from Detroit and I somehow landed in Rochester, NY. I live a busy life – work full time, graduate school at night, and I foster litters of kittens. My life is absolute chaos, and in this chaos, I somehow ended up at 215 pounds.

This is not new for me. In fact, I have been overweight my entire life. But I need to do something about it. I have tried every diet plan you can imagine, and my weight has gone up and down for years. I heard a recent radio ad for a weight loss system that guarantees the user will lose 20-40 pounds in just 40 days. Sounds too good to be true right? Maybe it is. Either way, I decided to try Custom Weight Loss Rochester, to see what they had to offer.

I went for my first meeting today. The office looks like an elementary school with hundred of papers taped to the walls. They read “John lost 30 lbs” and “Sue lost 24 lbs”. I was slightly hopeful that I would see my name up there soon. As soon as I walked in, I had to pay for the consultation. After my credit card was “on file”… whatever that means… I was asked to step on a scale.

The scale looked no different than a normal scale, except it did not spit out any numbers. Instead, a bunch of statistics and graphs showed up on the computer screen at the receptionist’s desk. I wanted desperately to see what she was looking at, but I was shuffled into a room to sit by myself.

Once in the room, I took a look around. The room was brightly covered and I sat down next to small table. On the table, there was a chart that compared the costs of different programs. I did not know the cost of the program at this point, but the sheet said under $2,000… yeah better be way under $2,000.

A wellness consultant came in and started talking to me about the program. My metabolism would be reset, and I would be in fat burning mode permanently if I did the program. I soon learned that I would not be allowed to drink regular water, only Alkaline water. And that my hormones were out of balance and weight loss could not be achieved if I could not correct this. I must admit, the program was sounding really good. My results showed that my metabolic age was 82… I don’t know how that is possible but I took it with a grain of salt. I know I am unhealthy and overweight, and I am going to address it.

The coach flipped some pages and eventually landed on the cost page. I was getting a guarantee of “20 lbs lost” and the cost was $1,950… My initial reaction was “no way”. How could I justify this? That is almost a month’s salary for me. But then I considered that I could actually do well on this program. And I am”guaranteed” to lose 20 – 40 lbs. So I decided to go for it.

I paid for my program, well, I paid for 25% of it. They will be taking out 25% per month from my bank account for the next three months. After payment was taken care of, I went into a room where I was hooked up to a Zyto machine. I had to leave my hand on the sensor for 15 minutes while the machine “communicated” with my cells to tell me where my body was under-functioning or over-worked. A video was set up, and I watch 8 minutes of people explaining the program.

While I was watching he video, alone, hooked up to a machine communicating with my cells, I couldn’t help but laugh. I felt like I was being initiated into Scientology, or some other ridiculous secret society. I was shown my results and I had 134 imbalances. Wow… I didn’t feel that imbalanced.

I was given my custom vitamins, a journal (which the wellness coach went thru in a lot of detail), a water bottle for all the alkaline water I was going to be drinking, some drops to put under my tongue before I eat, a weight loss supplement, pink salt, and a probiotic.

My “before” picture was taken, which I admit was my favorite part of the entire process. I left the building and instantly regretted my decision. I had already signed my contract, so I was stuck with the decision I made. After spending $1,950 you better believe I am going to follow this plan to a T.

So what is in the plan? The plan is sugar free, no carb, no dairy, and super low calorie. The program is supposed to put your body into fat burning mode, which means food is super limited. Two meals a day. A fruit, veggie, and protein with each meal. That is it. Oh… and all the alkaline water you can drink. I start the program next week, so it will be interesting to see how it goes.

So why blog about this? When I set up my appointment for the Wellness Restoration Center in Rochester, NY, I did not know what to expect. There are no stories, no blogs, it was all a mystery. Their Facebook page is plastered with pictures of people who completed the program, but the testimonials are limited. I have no idea what my results are going to be, but if this blog can help anyone, then it is worth it.


Losing motivation instead of weight

These past two weeks have been extremely difficult for me. I have been super busy with work, and I have had no control over what I have been eating.

I work in student housing, and for the past two weeks I have been required to eat every meal with my staff. My go-to meal has been a salad, some melon, and some roast beef deli meat… every. single. day.

I have been so tempted to cheat, but so far I have been pretty good.

But I haven’t been losing. In fact, I have actually gained. This morning I weighed in at 193.8, but a week ago I was 192. I have lost so much motivation.

I have about 5 days left until I am done with this phase, and then I am moving into a transitional phase. I am hoping I can get to 190 but I am not sure.

My weight loss may be done for this program, but I did lose 23lbs.

Not hitting goals

Not reaching goals definitely sucks. I was hoping to be at 190 by today, but I weighed in at 195.8 this morning. I started over 3 weeks ago at 216, so I guess I should not complain. But my weight loss has slowed down considerably.

August 31st is my last day in this phase, and then I start a transition phase. I have not had carbs, fat, sugar, or dairy in almost a month. I am a little bit concerned about adding it back in now.

Prior to starting this program, I had success with the 21 day fix. I am thinking that after I finish this program, I might go back to it. I will be in a lower weight group, and it will help me with portion control and figuring out how much I should be eating. I will definitely not go back to eating anything that I want.

I guess it is time to set some new goals!

August 15th – 193 lbs

August 20th – 190 lbs

August 31st – 185 lbs

Wish me luck!


Steak day

Well… I am stuck. I have been at 198 for the past few days, and I am starting too get frustrated. I texted in my weight this morning to my coach, and she said it is time to do a steak day.

So what is a steak day?

It is a day of starvation and then a steak at the end… No… seriously.

I am not allowed to eat anything all day, and then for dinner I can eat a big steak and an apple for dinner.

Despite my better judgement, I am going to do it. I told myself when I started this program that I would do it all the way 100%. And so far I have not cheated. Let’s see if this actually works.

Now Entering Onederland: Population – ME!

This morning I finally landed in Onderland! I stepped on the scale and saw 199.3, and I could not be more excited! I could not wait to write a post saying I was in onederland.

I have to admit, I have been struggling to get in enough calories these past few days. It has not been intentional, I just have not had much of an appetite. I definitely need to make sure I eat some more tonight to hit my calorie goals.

So far today I ate a 6 oz steak, an apple, and 4 oz of chicken breast. I am thinking and orange and maybe some veggies would help me hit my goal for the day. Maybe I will even have two oranges…. I’m so bad I know….

I am struggling to come up with goals that I actually feel like I can hit. I have 25lbs left that I want to lose, but I am not sure how realistic that is. Right now I am thinking:

190 by August 14th. I know this will be hard because that is 9 lbs in 9 days, but a girl can dream!

180 by August 28th.

174 (goal) by September 5th.



Two weeks and 16 lbs down

This is the fastest I have ever been able to drop weight, and I have to say I feel pretty good. I don’t feel hungry nearly as much as I did when I first started this meal plan. Tonight, I am facing a real struggle – a potluck.

My diet is so restricting that I cannot eat anything at the potluck. The only thing that is safe for me to eat, is the veggie tray that I brought with me.

All I have wanted is pizza for the past two weeks. And of course… there is pizza at the potluck. I am going to force myself to stick to the fruit and veggies but a smell of the pizza won’t kill me!

Goals were meant to be beaten

I am on day 12 of this whole no fat, no carb, no sugar life. I can’t say it has been easy but I can say that it is getting easier. A few days ago I set a goal of being at 202 by Wednesday. Today, I weighed in at 201.9. I am so close to onederland that I can taste it!

This weekend was rough for me. I was volunteering and to show appreciation they bought us food. Donuts and Pizza were on the menu. As much as I wanted to go for it, I was able to stick to my guns and ate the fresh fruit and cucumbers that I brought with me.

I deserve an award. Anyway.. time to set some new short term goals!

A week from today – 198

By August 14 – 190

Overall goal (August 31) – 174

I have 30 days to lose 27 lbs. I know it is not likely going to happen, but I am going to try my best!

Day 10

Hello all! Today is day 10 of phase 2 and I am happy to say, I am 25% complete with this phase. I have not had gluten, sugar, dairy or fat in 10 days and I feel like I am dying! On the plus side, I am down to 204.6 lbs as of this morning! My weight loss is definitely slowing down, but that is to be expected I suppose.

The plan that I am on promises that I will lose 20 lbs in 40 days. I am hoping to lose closer to 30-40 lbs in that time, and I am already down 10 lbs! My mini goals are still as follows.I am pretty sure I can hit them both! The overall goal is going to be a challenge, I am not sure I am going to get that.

202 lbs by Wednesday (5 days from now)

199 lbs by August 13 (15 days)

Overall goal 174 by August 30th (32 days)

Happy Scale!

I have started using this app called Happy Scale. Has anyone used it? It’s awesome! You set up how much weight you want to lose, and then it breaks it into milestones. It gives you predictions and changes colors when you complete a mini-goal milestone. I love this app, it really shows me how much I am losing. Below are some screenshots of the app, it’s free, you should get it!


Speaking of losing, I weighed in at 206.1 lbs. this morning! Last week on this day I was 216.5 lbs. So now I need to set another couple of goals.

This time next week – 202 lbs.

August 13 – 199 lbs.

I want to keep the goals possible/still challenging and meaningful.


Have I  ever mentioned that I get hangry? I don’t know if my name gave that away… anyway… I am having some mega cravings.

Tonight, my cousin asked me what she should do for dinner. My response? Order Chinese food, a pizza, and get some donuts. Because those are the three things I would KILL for right now.

Now I know none of those things are healthy… I get it. But it doesn’t stop me from wanting to tackle to students eating pizza in the cafeteria to steal their food.

I guess this post is just a rant about how hungry I am, but I know I am doing this for a reason. I will go back to eating my blueberries and wishing that they were donuts.

Just another manic Monday

Hello everyone! It is an exhausting and rainy Monday here in Rochester, NY. But I cannot help but feel accomplished. Last night I did a full meal prep, and came up with some awesome recipes for myself!

I weighed in today at 208.6, which means I am down about 8 lbs from last Wednesday. Not too bad! I am proud of myself. So a little bit about myself, and how I gained weight…

I was born into chaos and all I knew as a child was chaos. I was fed foods full of sugar and highly processed, and I never knew that vegetables could be purchased fresh – I had only eaten canned veggies. I ate to control the world around me, and was always a heavy child.

When I was 15, my mother was murdered. I was heartbroken, and in that year, I gained almost 30 lbs. This year is 10 years since that happened, and I am still carrying that 30 lbs plus some.

So in my 25th year, I am setting out to lose 25% of my weight. It is time to shed what held me down, and to no longer let those experiences define me.

A 25% weight loss puts me at 162 lbs by my birthday at the end of October. It will be my lowest adult weight. I am hoping I can reach the goal, but I know it will be a lot of work. Each pound dropped helps to heal the emotional pain I dealt with as a young adult.

Here’s to health and happiness!